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Corporate and Administrative Legal Service Providers

Acquiring a Residence Permit in Georgia


Residence Permit in Georgia

Residence Permit in Georgia: Table of Content:


Georgia is widely recognized for its liberal visa policies, which have made the country an attractive destination for individuals seeking employment opportunities, as well as those looking to experience a new culture. The country’s visa regime is considered to be one of the most accommodating, with the majority of foreign nationals not requiring a visa to enter Georgia. Furthermore, the entry procedures for those who do require a visa are typically uncomplicated and stress-free. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia has established an official website that provides in-depth information regarding visa requirements and procedures, enabling visitors to easily determine their eligibility prior to arrival. 

In addition to its liberal visa policies, Georgia also offers a highly attractive resident permit program for foreigners. This program is designed to encourage individuals to invest in the country’s economy, start businesses, or work in highly skilled positions. The benefits of obtaining a resident permit in Georgia include the ability to live and work in the country for an extended period of time, access to  healthcare, and the ability to travel to certain countries in the Schengen area. 

As a result of its hospitable emigration policies, Georgia has become a popular destination for individuals seeking novel experiences and opportunities overseas.

Unlocking the Perks: Why Getting a Residence Permit in Georgia is a Smart Move

Georgia has implemented relaxed visa policies for citizens of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, and the Republic of Belarus since 2015, allowing them to stay in the country for up to one year without a visa. Furthermore, more than 100 nationalities have been granted visa-free access to Georgia. Despite these lenient policies, there has been an increase in the number of individuals seeking a Georgian residence permit, which may be attributed to the potential for Georgia’s accession to the EU. Unlike visa policies, residence permits enable holders to extend their stay without leaving the country. Conversely, visa-free holders must leave and re-enter the country to renew their permission, which may pose re-entry risks due to individual assessments by border control authorities.

Outlined below are the advantages that come with holding a Georgian Resident Permit:

– The ability to apply for visas to specific Schengen countries while staying in Georgia.

– Simplified banking procedures, including easy opening and closing of bank accounts.

– The potential for acquiring Georgian citizenship, which grants visa-free travel to over 114 countries worldwide.

– Reduced administrative costs, such as lower rates for medical care and public services and reduced fees for paying public service charges.

– A favorable tax environment.

The Key to a Better Future: Exploring the Feasible Grounds for Obtaining a Residence Permit in Georgia

The Georgian jurisdiction offers two types of residence permits, namely temporary and permanent, with respective validity periods of one year and five years, but it can be extended for the same working period if the requirements of the law and requests for an extension are met. If necessary, a foreign citizen can be used in the consulate of his country. These permits can be obtained through various means, such as official employment, education, real estate purchase, investment, family reunification, former citizenship, statelessness, and special circumstances. 

Employment – Individuals who intend to conduct labor or entrepreneurial activities in Georgia are eligible to obtain residency permits. Entrepreneurs with small business status and an annual turnover of 50 thousand lari can apply for a certificate assignment document. Foreign workers employed in Georgian organizations must generate a company turnover volume of at least 50,000 lari per employee, which is approximately 18.6 thousand dollars.

Education – In order to acquire an educational residency permit in Georgia, it is imperative to enroll in an accredited educational institution within the country. The duration of the permit is aligned with the duration of the educational contract, which typically spans one year, with the option of renewal.

Purchase of Real Estate – Foreign nationals are eligible to obtain a residency permit in Georgia on the basis of their real estate ownership within the country, with the exception of agricultural land. In order to qualify for this permit, the individual must possess real estate assets within Georgia valued at no less than $100,000.

Investment – In order for foreign nationals to acquire a residency permit in Georgia, they must fulfill the requirement of investing in the country with a minimum value of $100,000, excluding agricultural land. This investment can be made in various sectors of the economy, including but not limited to tourism, healthcare, education, and agriculture. The investment residence permit will only be granted upon fulfilling this requisite investment amount of 300,000 lari (approximating $111,500).

Reunification with the family – Georgia offers a family reunification residence permit for foreign nationals who wish to reunite with their family members residing in the country. In order to be eligible for this permit, the applicant must have a family member who is a Georgian citizen or a foreign national with a valid residency permit in Georgia. The applicant must also provide proof of their relationship with the family member and demonstrate that they have sufficient financial means to support themselves during their stay in Georgia. The family reunification residence permit is typically issued for a period of one year and can be extended upon request. This permit provides an opportunity for families to live together and strengthen their ties, while also contributing to the development of the country through their investment and presence.

Former citizenship of Georgia – For individuals who were formerly citizens of Georgia, there is a specific residence permit available. This permit allows the individual to reside in Georgia for an indefinite period of time and grants them the same rights as a Georgian citizen, with the exception of voting in elections. In order to be eligible for this permit, the individual must provide proof of their former citizenship, as well as demonstrate their ties to Georgia through their family or property ownership. This residence permit can be a valuable option for those who wish to maintain a connection to their homeland and have the opportunity to live and work in Georgia without the limitations of a standard residency permit. Additionally, it can provide benefits such as access to healthcare and education, as well as the ability to invest in the country’s economy.

Stateless persons – For stateless persons who have no nationality or citizenship, obtaining legal residency in Georgia can be a challenging process. However, there are options available for those who meet certain criteria. Stateless persons may be eligible for a special residence permit if they can prove their ties to Georgia through family or property ownership, or if they have lived in the country for a certain period of time. This permit grants them the right to reside in Georgia and access basic services such as healthcare and education. However, it does not provide the same rights as Georgian citizens, such as the ability to vote in elections. Despite the challenges, obtaining a residence permit can be a valuable opportunity for stateless persons to establish legal residency and potentially improve their quality of life in Georgia.

Special residence permit – A special residence permit in Georgia can be granted to foreign nationals who have become victims of human trafficking or other similar cases. This type of permit is issued on humanitarian grounds and is aimed at protecting the victim’s rights and ensuring their safety. The application process for a special residence permit involves providing evidence of the victim’s situation, such as police reports, medical certificates, or statements from relevant authorities. The applicant may also need to undergo a medical examination and obtain a police clearance certificate from their home country.

Marriage – Residence permit in Georgia for marriage is granted to foreign nationals who are married to Georgian citizens. The application process for a residence permit involves submitting the necessary documents, such as a marriage certificate and proof of financial means to support oneself in Georgia. The applicant must also undergo a medical examination and obtain a police clearance certificate from their home country. Once the application is approved, the applicant is issued a temporary residence permit, which can be renewed annually. After five years of continuous residence in Georgia, the applicant may apply for permanent residency. It is important to note that the process for obtaining a residence permit in Georgia for marriage may vary depending on the individual circumstances and the discretion of the immigration authorities..

When submitting documents, it is possible to choose the case assessment time period: 

30 days – 300 GEL;

20 days – 450 GEL;

10 days – 600 GEL.

If successful, the applicant will receive a plastic ID card within 5-10 business days. However, the House of Justice reserves the right to reject an application if it is deemed contrary to state interests or public security interests. In such instances, legal representation is available to challenge the decision in court. Interested parties can obtain additional information by scheduling a free consultation with legal experts. 

Our team of lawyers provides legal support and representation of your interests in three court instances: cassation, city and appellate courts.

For more information, please book a free consultation with our experts.
